File Upload

FileUpload is an advanced uploader with dragdrop support, multi file uploads, auto uploading, progress tracking and validations.

import FileUpload from 'primevue/fileupload';

FileUpload basic mode provides a simpler UI as an alternative to default advanced mode.

No file chosen

<FileUpload ref="fileupload" mode="basic" name="demo[]" url="/api/upload" accept="image/*" :maxFileSize="1000000" @upload="onUpload" />
<Button label="Upload" @click="upload" severity="secondary" />

When auto property is enabled, a file gets uploaded instantly after selection.

<FileUpload mode="basic" name="demo[]" url="/api/upload" accept="image/*" :maxFileSize="1000000" @upload="onUpload" :auto="true" chooseLabel="Browse" />

FileUpload is an advanced uploader with dragdrop support, multi file uploads, auto uploading, progress tracking and validations.

Drag and drop files to here to upload.

<FileUpload name="demo[]" url="/api/upload" @upload="onAdvancedUpload($event)" :multiple="true" accept="image/*" :maxFileSize="1000000">
    <template #empty>
        <span>Drag and drop files to here to upload.</span>

Uploader UI can be customized with templating.

Drag and drop files to here to upload.

<FileUpload name="demo[]" url="/api/upload" @upload="onTemplatedUpload($event)" :multiple="true" accept="image/*" :maxFileSize="1000000" @select="onSelectedFiles">
    <template #header="{ chooseCallback, uploadCallback, clearCallback, files }">
        <div class="flex flex-wrap justify-content-between align-items-center flex-1 gap-2">
            <div class="flex gap-2">
                <Button @click="chooseCallback()" icon="pi pi-images" rounded outlined></Button>
                <Button @click="uploadEvent(uploadCallback)" icon="pi pi-cloud-upload" rounded outlined severity="success" :disabled="!files || files.length === 0"></Button>
                <Button @click="clearCallback()" icon="pi pi-times" rounded outlined severity="danger" :disabled="!files || files.length === 0"></Button>
            <ProgressBar :value="totalSizePercent" :showValue="false" :class="['md:w-20rem h-1rem w-full md:ml-auto', { 'exceeded-progress-bar': totalSizePercent > 100 }]"
                ><span class="white-space-nowrap">{{ totalSize }}B / 1Mb</span></ProgressBar
    <template #content="{ files, uploadedFiles, removeUploadedFileCallback, removeFileCallback }">
        <div v-if="files.length > 0">
            <div class="flex flex-wrap p-0 sm:p-5 gap-5">
                <div v-for="(file, index) of files" :key=" + file.type + file.size" class="card m-0 px-6 flex flex-column border-1 surface-border align-items-center gap-3">
                        <img role="presentation" :alt="" :src="file.objectURL" width="100" height="50" />
                    <span class="font-semibold">{{ }}</span>
                    <div>{{ formatSize(file.size) }}</div>
                    <Badge value="Pending" severity="warn" />
                    <Button icon="pi pi-times" @click="onRemoveTemplatingFile(file, removeFileCallback, index)" outlined rounded  severity="danger" />

        <div v-if="uploadedFiles.length > 0">
            <div class="flex flex-wrap p-0 sm:p-5 gap-5">
                <div v-for="(file, index) of uploadedFiles" :key=" + file.type + file.size" class="card m-0 px-6 flex flex-column border-1 surface-border align-items-center gap-3">
                        <img role="presentation" :alt="" :src="file.objectURL" width="100" height="50" />
                    <span class="font-semibold">{{ }}</span>
                    <div>{{ formatSize(file.size) }}</div>
                    <Badge value="Completed" class="mt-3" severity="success" />
                    <Button icon="pi pi-times" @click="removeUploadedFileCallback(index)" outlined rounded  severity="danger" />
    <template #empty>
        <div class="flex align-items-center justify-content-center flex-column">
            <i class="pi pi-cloud-upload border-2 border-circle p-5 text-8xl text-400 border-400" />
            <p class="mt-4 mb-0">Drag and drop files to here to upload.</p>

Uploading implementation can be overridden by enabling customUpload property and defining a custom uploader handler event.

No file chosen

<FileUpload mode="basic" name="demo[]" url="/api/upload" accept="image/*" customUpload @uploader="customBase64Uploader" />

Screen Reader

FileUpload uses a hidden native input element with type="file" for screen readers.

Keyboard Support

Interactive elements of the uploader are buttons, visit the Button accessibility section for more information.